A medida que 2024 llega a su fin, quiero tomarme un momento para reflexionar sobre el increíble viaje que hemos tenido este año. Ha sido un año de desafíos, el más importante de los cuales fue el incendio de nuestras instalaciones en Chicago. El impacto fue inmenso, pero la dedicación, resistencia, trabajo en equipo y determinación que todos han mostrado para ayudarnos a recuperarnos ha sido asombrosa.
Reconstruir después de un acontecimiento tan importante no ha sido fácil, y sabemos que el camino que tenemos por delante seguirá poniéndonos a prueba. Sin embargo, cada reto que afrontamos nos acerca más a una USM mejor, más eficiente y más fuerte. Los progresos que ya hemos realizado son un testimonio del poder de nuestro esfuerzo colectivo, y confío en que saldremos de esta experiencia más capacitados que nunca.
A pesar de estos retos, hemos experimentado un crecimiento notable. Hemos progresado en ventas, operaciones, transporte, procesamiento de cobre, procesamiento de UBC, procesamiento de acero, producción de fundición y procesamiento de acero inoxidable y aleaciones. Estos logros son testimonio de la increíble dedicación y experiencia de nuestro equipo: ¡simplemente extraordinarios!
De cara a 2025, tenemos mucho de lo que estar orgullosos. Estoy especialmente entusiasmado con la puesta en marcha de las nuevas y actualizadas capacidades de procesamiento de cobre y aluminio. Estos avances seguirán mejorando nuestras operaciones y nuestra posición de liderazgo en el mercado.
Además, el equipo de US Matters seguirá creciendo, con nuevas iniciativas diseñadas para retribuir a nuestro activo más valioso: nuestros empleados. Su duro trabajo y su compromiso son el motor de nuestro éxito, y estamos comprometidos a invertir en formas de apoyarles y celebrarles.
Este año, han demostrado una y otra vez que el equipo de USM es algo más que una fuerza de trabajo, es una comunidad de personas resistentes, innovadoras y apasionadas. Me siento continuamente inspirado por su empuje y dedicación, y estoy increíblemente agradecido por todo lo que hacen.
Llevemos al nuevo año las lecciones de 2024: el poder de la unidad, la fuerza de la perseverancia y las cosas extraordinarias que podemos lograr cuando trabajamos juntos. Con estos principios como guía, estoy seguro de que 2025 será un año de nuevas oportunidades y logros aún mayores.
Gracias por hacer de la USM lo que es hoy y por formar parte de su brillante futuro. Les deseo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos un Año Nuevo seguro, exitoso y próspero.
As 2024 comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve had this year. It’s been a year of challenges, most significantly, the fire at our Chicago facility. The impact was immense, but the dedication, resilience, teamwork, and determination everyone has shown to help us recover has been amazing.
Rebuilding from such a significant event has not been easy, and we know that the road ahead will continue to test us. However, every challenge we face brings us closer to becoming a better, more efficient, and stronger USM. The progress we’ve made already is a testament to the power of our collective effort, and I am confident that we will emerge from this experience more capable than ever before.
In the midst of these challenges, we have still experienced remarkable growth. We’ve seen progress in Sales, Operations, Transportation, Copper Processing, UBC Processing, Steel Processing, Foundry Production, and Stainless & Alloy Processing. These achievements are a testament to the incredible dedication and expertise of our team—simply extraordinary!
As we head into 2025, we have much to be proud of. I am particularly excited to see the new and updated processing capabilities in copper & aluminum come online. These advancements will continue to enhance our operations and our position as a leader in the market.
Additionally, the US Matters team will continue to grow, with new initiatives designed to give back to our most valuable asset—our employees. Your hard work and commitment are what drive our success, and we’re committed to investing in ways to support and celebrate you.
This year, you have shown time and time again that the USM team is more than just a workforce—it’s a community of resilient, innovative, and passionate individuals. I am continually inspired by your drive and dedication, and I am incredibly grateful for all that you do.
Let us carry the lessons of 2024 into the new year: the power of unity, the strength of perseverance, and the remarkable things we can achieve when we work together. With these principles guiding us, I am confident that 2025 will be a year of new opportunities and even greater accomplishments.
Thank you for making USM what it is today and for being part of its bright future. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, successful, prosperous New Year!
This February, Isaac Marroquin suffered a stroke at USM. Employees on site responded immediately and got him the medical attention he needed. Isaac is recovering well and is very appreciative of the $10,000 donation that came from our staff ($5,000) and USM’s match ($5,000).
“I want to say thank you to all my friends and USM for their support both physically and financially,” Isaac said. “The money that USM and my coworkers donated makes me feel very grateful and fortunate to call them friends. I will never forget what everyone has done for me. Thank you.”
Vending Machine Subsidy Increase
We’re doing some inflation-busting here at USM. Effective June 1, all hourly employees’ vending machine cards will be increased to $35 a month for food and beverages — an increase of $10 per month!
Featured Employee
Isaac Marroquin
Isaac, who is recovering from a stroke in February, is one of our hardest-working employees. He started out on the big shear cutting different metals and then was trained to use the big saw. Isaac always shows pride in his work, and pays special attention to safety measures. He appreciates the supportive, friendly and honest environment at USM. Outside of work, Isaac enjoys spending time with his family. He used to play soccer, but now that he’s 68 years old, Isaac just likes to watch the game… and cop shows! Isaac has one son who lives in California, and nieces and nephews who live with him in his building. They take very good care of him.
Employee Programs
Our employees’ contributions to USM are truly appreciated. The US Matters team meets every Friday to think up ways to improve your lives. Here’s a look at the initiatives USM is taking to make our employees’ lives better and improve our community:
• Weekly raffle • English Classes • Added computer classes to ongoing English classes • United Credit Union • Yearly Flu and tetanus shot clinic & Covid vaccine and booster shots • Gas Subsidy • Dave & Busters Family Party • White Sox company outing • Giving Tree • Increase in uniform/boot allowance — Up to $200 for steel toed boots and up to $150 for work-appropriate clothing (subject to management approval). • Increase in monthly vending machine subsidy to $35 • Increase in monthly grocery gift cards to $100 • $25 gift cards at Thanksgiving • Friendsgiving celebrations at USM facilities • Built 2 houses in Colombia • Raised money for family of Alejandro Cervantes
Giving Tree
During the Holiday Season, the US Matters Team presented the Giving Tree. Children from USM families wrote letters to Santa and the elves of the US Matters team helped make their Christmas wish come true. We were excited to see how much they enjoyed the gifts.
Tips for Seasonal Allergies
We love the Spring & Summer weather, but sometimes the air can be troublesome. Here are some tips to reduce your allergy symptoms this time of year: • Reduce Exposure to Allergy Triggers • Keep Indoor Air Clean • Rinse Your Sinuses
ESL classes are normally held on Mondays from 4pm to 6pm, and Computer classes are held on Tuesdays from 4 to 6.
USM is offering free English and Computer classes to employees. If you would like to join the class, just ask your manager.
USM strives to become incrementally better every day realizing that success is detailed and cumulative. We work on a daily basis toward serving our customers through consistent improvement of process, infrastructure, and employee safety, health, and satisfaction.
Since 1972, the USM commitment to excellence gives our customers peace of mind in knowing that their recyclables are processed in a safe and environmentally-friendly way that follows all EPA and accrediting environmental standards. We take pride in offering accurate, transparent reporting, and outstanding customer service.
Summer Safety Tips
Wear Sunscreen When Working Outside — The sun’s rays are extremely powerful and can hurt you if you aren’t careful! Stay Hydrated — Make sure to drink water and keep yourself energized and hydrated! Heat Exhaustion — If you feel heat exhaustion:
• take a break • get water • move to a cool, shaded area • remove heavy clothing • tell your supervisor!
Francisco Carreto
Francisco Carreto began working at USM in February 2019. He is a wire sorter in the copper department and definitely goes above and beyond every day. Whenever a lead is out, or someone calls off, Francisco steps in and takes over as a lead without being asked to. He makes sure all tasks and orders are complete for the day. According to Joshua Santiago, USM Fulton Plant Manager: “Francisco is as reliable as it gets.” Thank you, Francisco, for all that you do to ensure that our recycling process and end products are high quality.
Physical Health Tips
Eat a Good Breakfast — Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it gives you energy to help you get your day started!
10-3-2-1 Sleep Method — 10 hours before bed: No more caffeine; 3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol; 2 hours before bed: No more work; 1 hour before bed: No more screen time.
Giving back
USM continues its support of the Obreros de la Misericordia Foundation, a charitable organization that helps build houses for families in need.
We are happy to announce that construction is now complete on another house USM has sponsored for a well-deserving family. We wish the Martinez family much happiness in their new home!
Company Announcements
USM at the Chicago White Sox — USM will be hosting an employee-only outing at the Chicago White Sox game vs. the Oakland Athletics on Sunday, August 27. Unlimited food and drinks begin at 11:40 am and end at 30 minutes after the first pitch. Please RSVP with your manager if you’d like to attend.
Dave & Busters — We had such a great time last year, we’ll be back at D&B for another great family party on Sunday, October 15. Please RSVP with your manager how many people you’ll bring from your immediate family.
Educational Classes at Fulton
USM is thrilled at the response over the past year for the English classes and computer classes at USM’s Chicago facility on Fulton.
Computer classes are held on Mondays from 4pm to 6pm, and the ESL classes are held on Tuesdays from 4 to 6.
If you’re interested in taking one of these classes, please let your manager know.
Have an idea? Is there something you would like to see added to our newsletter?
Feel free to send us an email at: [email protected] We can’t guarantee it will be added but we will certainly try!
USM strives to become incrementally better every day realizing that success is detailed and cumulative. We work on a daily basis toward serving our customers through consistent improvement of process, infrastructure, and employee safety, health, and satisfaction.
Since 1972, the USM commitment to excellence gives our customers peace of mind in knowing that their recyclables are processed in a safe and environmentally-friendly way that follows all EPA and accrediting environmental standards. We take pride in offering accurate, transparent reporting, and outstanding customer service.
Looking Back: A Year of Giving
At USM, our employees mean everything. Your contributions to the company are truly appreciated. That’s why the US Matters team meets every Friday to produce more ways we can improve the lives of our employees.
As 2022 draws to a close, we thought it would be nice to look back on all the initiatives USM is taking to make our employees’ lives better, and improve our community and world.
Weekly raffle – Two employee names drawn every week, winning$100 Visa gift cards. (And even $500 drawings a few times a year!)
USM ordered new jackets and head coverings for all employees
English classes every Tuesday after work offered to our employees for no charge
Vending machine program —All hourly employees receive a card with $25 a month for food and beverages from the vending machines (upgraded in 2022).
Yearly flu and tetanus shot clinics & Covid vaccine and booster shot clinics at the main campus for employees
Gas subsidy for qualifying hourly employees, depending how far and what kind of car they drive, with allowances for carpooling
Grocery subsidy — Most of our Chicagoland warehouse employees received a monthly$75 gift certificate to a local grocery store for the last quarter of 2022.
United Credit Union partnership— An alternative banking option for USM employees’ financial needs. USM gave $25 per quarter for the first year to anyone who opened an account.
Company party at Dave & Buster’s for employees and their families
Building a house in Colombia for a family in need — USM has donated to the Obreros de la Misericordia Foundation for several years, but made a significant contribution that allowed the Foundation to build and give a home to a deserving family in Colombia.
Oliberto Diaz
Oliberto currently works in the copper department as a machine operator and is training to be a receiving scale operator. His manager, Joshua Santiago, has so many great things to say about him. Oliberto is very committed to learning English and has been attending the USM-sponsored English classes. He always asks questions and takes every opportunity to learn something new. Since he started at USM in May 2019, he has obtained a wide skill set through on-the-job training. He can now operate a forklift, Bobcat, the Bricker, shaker table and both the small and large shear! Oliberto has a bright future here at USM and we are all excited to see him grow!
Winter has arrived
The winter solstice is upon us — Wednesday, December 21st. The winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight in the whole year, making it the “shortest day” of the year. Good news: After December 21st, we will gain about 2 minutes of sunlight a day!
As we count down the days till 2023 we still have time to check our boots.
If you have not yet used your boot reimbursement for 2022, you still have time! USM will reimburse up to $150 per year for a new pair of boots. All you have to do is bring your receipt to your manager to get reimbursed!
Other reminders…
USM now offers English classes at the Fulton campus. If you’re interested, please let your manager know.
Wellness tips for the Winter
Our winters here in Chicago can be long, so here are some health and wellness tips to make it through:
Stay hydrated with watee
Eat your vegetables
Keep moving: Exercise is an important part of both physical and mental health.
Get your sleep
Wash your hands
Dress appropriately for the weather
Wear a mask in large crowds. Covid is on the rise again!
Have an idea? Is there something you would like to see added to our newsletter?
Feel free to send us an email at: [email protected] We can’t guarantee it will be added but we will certainly try!
USM strives to become incrementally better every day realizing that success is detailed and cumulative. We work on a daily basis toward serving our customers through consistent improvement of process, infrastructure, and employee safety, health, and satisfaction.
Since 1972, the USM commitment to excellence gives our customers peace of mind in knowing that their recyclables are processed in a safe and environmentally-friendly way that follows all EPA and accrediting environmental standards. We take pride in offering accurate, transparent reporting, and outstanding customer service.
Credit Union partnership pays off for Adrienne Clark
A few months ago, the US Matters team wanted to find a way to help USM employees with their banking needs. In the past year, USM has established a partnership with United Credit Union to fill that need.
Adrienne Clark, an administrative assistant with USM Charter Alloys and Masters & Alloy, took advantage of the new partnership and wants everyone at USM to know about the wonderful experience she had with United Credit Union.
“I was getting ready to buy a car anyway, so it was perfect timing,” said Adrienne. “It was smooth, they got right back to me. Everyone in there was nice.”
After Adrienne had been approved for a car loan with United Credit Union, she went down to her dealership to buy her new vehicle. But the dealership was trying to tack on thousands of dollars to the car she wanted, and Adrienne refused to go above her loan amount. So she got her United Credit Union loan officer, Miss Suggs, on the phone with the dealership.
“I’m capable of negotiating myself, but she took the wheel,” Adrienne said. I cannot believe this woman — she’s amazing. She fought so hard for me, to the point that the manager came and intervened.”
In the end, Adrienne was able to purchase her car — a 2022 Mazda CX-5 — at the price she wanted.
“I literally paid for what the car was worth,” Adrienne said.
General Manager Holly Mraz hopes Adrienne’s experience with USM’s new financial partner is just the first of many.
“I’m so glad Adrienne was able to use this partnership to buy her new car,” said Holly. “United Credit Union is such a great resource to have for our employees. I hope that more of our employees take advantage of the relationship that the US Matters team has made available to them.”
Featured employee
Noe Hernandez
Originally hired in September 2020, Noe now is in charge of inventorying all material at the Fulton building. He works under Mark McQuen, who has been with USM for over 20 years. Mark says Noe is driven and a fast learner with a great personality. Noe is very focused and self-motivated. He has been taking the weekly English classes USM offers at the Fulton campus, putting him on track to become a manager. He is looking forward to continuing his English classes, and also would like to learn more about Excel and ROM.
We are very excited for Noe’s future with USM!
Day at Dave & Buster’s
USM is hosting a fun-filled afternoon at Dave & Buster’s! You don’t want to miss this!
From 11am-2pm on Sunday, October 16th, USM employees and their immediate family are invited to join their co-workers at Dave & Buster’s in Addison (1155 N. Swift Road). The event is FREE!
There is still time to sign up! Let you manager know ASAP, or reach out to Holly Mraz at: [email protected].
$75 in groceries every month!
Every month for the rest of 2022, eligible USM employees will receive a $75 gift certificate to a local grocery store.
The first gift certificates were issued in September. The October, November & December gift cards will be issued mid-month.
The gift certificates can be used at two locally owned grocery store chains: Carnicerias Jimenez or Supermercados el güero. Employees will receive certificates for the store closest to their home address. If a certificate from the other store is preferred, or if you have questions, contact Dennis Klein at: [email protected].
Winter is coming
As the days get shorter and the temperatures start dropping, we all will be spending more time inside. Please stay aware that we may see a rise in Covid cases. Continue to be cautious and safe and wear your mask — not only at work, but anytime you are indoors and in close contact with others.
USM is offering free English classes to employees from 4-6pm on Tuesdays at the Fulton campus. Iliana teaches English from Remedial to Advanced. If you would like to join the class, just ask your manager.
USM is considering offering computer classes. If you are interested, please let your manager know. We need to hear you to make it happen!
Are your boots worn out? USM will give you up to $150 per year for a new pair of boots. All you have to do is bring your receipt to your manager to get reimbursed!
USM offers many resources for our employees like 401K and FSA (An arrangement through USM that lets you pay for many out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars)
USM Texts: Are you receiving them? If not, please give your phone number to your manager to be added to the list. You don’t want to miss important news and information — or if you are picked as one of the lucky weekly raffle winners!
Have an idea? Is there something you would like to see added to our newsletter?
The US Matters Team continues to meet on a weekly basis to discuss the status of the Covid 19 virus and would like to inform of the current Covid 19 situation within the USM community. We are pleased to announce that everyone remains safe and healthy and it is because that all employees continue to follow the prevention of disease guidelines. This is a tremendous accomplishment that we should all be proud of.
The next task for the US Matters Team is to work with our current Clinics to set up a vaccination program for Covid 19 with the goal of being able to offer them on a yearly basis along with our Flu and Tetanus vaccinations. Although we remain eligible now for the vaccine, it has not been determined when we will be able to set up vaccinations internally due to low distribution in our area. However, there are many vaccination sites open to the public now that can be found by using the link below. We encourage everyone to take advantage and try to schedule an appointment for their vaccinations.
Lastly, we would like to remind you that St. Patrick’s Day is approaching, and it will be very tempting to get together in large groups such as in restaurants or other common areas. We would like to remind that we encourage you not to gather in large groups as there is still a chance of spread outside the USM community.
Please take care of yourself and let us know if there is anything that you need in the meantime.
Thank you for all that you do.
Warm Regards,
The USM Covid Action Team
Estimados miembros del equipo de USM,
El Equipo de Asuntos de los Estados Unidos continúa reunándose semanalmente para discutir el estado del virus Covid 19 y desea informar de la situación actual de Covid 19 dentro de la comunidad del USM. Por favor, debemos anunciar que todos siguen siendo seguros y saludables y es porque todos los empleados siguen las directrices de prevención de enfermedades. Este es un logro tremendo del que todos deberíamos estar orgullosos.
La siguiente tarea para el Equipo de Asuntos de los Estados Unidos es trabajar con nuestras clínicas actuales para establecer un programa de vacunación para Covid 19 con el objetivo de poder ofrecerlas anualmente junto con nuestras vacunas contra la gripe y el tétanos. Aunque ahora seguimos siendo elegibles para la vacuna, no se ha determinado cuándo podremos establecer vacunas internamente debido a la baja distribución en nuestra área. Sin embargo, hay muchos sitios de vacunación abiertos al público ahora que se pueden encontrar mediante el uso del siguiente enlace. Animamos a todos a aprovecharse y tratar de programar una cita para sus vacunas.
Por último, nos gustaría recordarles que se acerca el Día de San Patricio, y será muy tentador reunirse en grandes grupos como en restaurantes u otras zonas comunes. Nos gustaría recordarles que le animamos a no reunirse en grandes grupos, ya que todavía existe la posibilidad de extenderse fuera de la comunidad del USM.
Por favor, cuídate y háganos saber si hay algo que necesite mientras tanto.
Former Pure Metal Recycling/Acme Refining executive and sales team members join Universal Scrap Metals, Inc. (USM) newest subsidiary, Base Metals Group, LLC.
CHICAGO – Universal Scrap Metal, Inc. (USM) is proud to announce Base Metals Group, LLC as a new subsidiary to its list of synergetic recycling companies. BMG will be operating out of USM’s Alsip, IL location.
With former Pure Metal Recycling/Acme Refining VP of Sales and 25 year veteran Mike O’Malley at the helm, joined by a talented team of executive, sales and administrative professionals from the now the defunct Pure Metal Recycling, Base Metals Group will continue to exemplify their expertise of extraordinary customer relations to complement USM’s 50 years of experience, well designed infrastructure and solid reputation in the industry.
“The people that make up BMG are the some of the most talented and knowledgeable professionals in the industry who have always had the goal of providing what is right for the customer,” said O’Malley. “We are thrilled to launch a company that can and will fully support that vision. It is not about who has the most tons; it is about what is good for the customer.”
To keep learn more about USM and the launch of Base Metals Group, visit https://usmrecycle.wpengine.com.
USM, Inc. operates 7 locations throughout Chicago, Central Illinois and Kentucky including USM, Inc., USM Processing, USM Alumacycle, USM Charter Alloys, USM Recycling, and USMe along with its new subsidiary company, Base Metals Group, LLC. The USM companies specialize in ferrous, non-ferrous, high nickel alloy, specialty copper processing, UBC and electronics recycling.