Dear USM Team,
We should all be proud of the commitment, dedication and caring that everyone at USM has shown during this time of COVID. It has been over 12 weeks since a USM employee has tested positive for COVID. It is only because of you and your commitment to following the policies set forth by the US Matters (us matters) Action Team we are in this position today.
Even though we have not seen COVID at USM we have been seeing a drastic increase of family members, especially teenagers, bringing it into USM employee’s homes. Please be aware that we are not alone in this and we must use best practices at work and at home.
We must be diligent – even though everything appears to be getting better this cannot be stressed enough – don’t drop your guard. We easily can risk everyone’s health and move backward. Guided by the US Matters Action Team USM will keep its ongoing commitment of ensuring everyone’s health and safety as the top priority with the following best practices,
- Daily Health Checks for All Employees
- Social Distance Policy
- Facemasks Provided and Worn at all Times
- Sterilization Crews Sanitizing During Work Hours
- Sterilization of Personal Workspace Policy
- Limited Contact Policy
- Plexiglass Barriers Installed in Close Work Areas
- Face Shields Provided
- Enhanced Paid Sick Time Policy
- No Visitor Policy
- USM Driver No Contact Policy
- Work at Home Policy
The US Matters Team will continue to meet, listen to everyone for new ideas and come up with new ways to keep everyone safe.
All of this only works if we work together as a team. A team that cares about each other. A team that helps each other follow current safety policies now and as things get better.
The country is moving backwards – We at USM are leaders not followers. We must stay committed after leaving the USM Campus. We as a team must be sure to put everyone’s health first and not take the risk of bringing COVID back to USM.
As a reminder, the greatest way to prevent getting sick or spreading illness is by all of us using best practices when it comes to personal hygiene. - Wear Face a Mask in any Public Area
- Consistently wash or sanitize hands after touching surfaces
- Avoid touching your face
- Limit social interaction at work and at home
- No nonessential travel
- Stand 6ft away from others if you must interact
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
- Clean your area with sanitizing wipes multiple times a day
- Take your Temperature Daily
- Disinfect your cellular phone or other personal device multiple times a day
- If you think you are sick let management know, go to the doctor and stay home
- Say something and speak up if you see others not following these suggestions
The US Matters Action Team will continue to meet throughout the week. If you have any questions, comments or ideas that you think can help improve our health, safety & wellbeing please do not hesitate to speak with your manager or contact me directly.
Please know that USM continues to put everyone’s health & safety first, without you, USM is just a name. We together will get through this, We are USM.
Warm Regards,
Jason Zeid &
The US Matters Team