Universal Scrap Metals Newsletter

Vol. 1 • Issue 1 • July 2022

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USM Mission

USM strives to become incrementally better every day realizing that success is detailed and cumulative. We work on a daily basis toward serving our customers through consistent improvement of process, infrastructure, and employee safety, health, and satisfaction.

Since 1972, the USM commitment to excellence gives our customers peace of mind in knowing that their recyclables are processed in a safe and environmentally-friendly way that follows all EPA and accrediting environmental standards. We take pride in offering accurate, transparent reporting, and outstanding customer service.


Happy Birthday to all our June-July-August Babies!!!!

A few reminders as the days have gotten longer and warmer:

Remember to get your vacation request into your manager as soon as possible.

Also, we still need to be cautious when it comes to Covid. Don’t let the nice weather trick you into thinking it’s not a concern. Please stay safe and wear your mask — not only at work, but anytime you will be indoors and in close contact with other people.

Check your boots.

Are they worn out? Don’t forget, USM will reimburse up to $150 per year for a new pair of boots. All you have to do is bring your receipt to your manager to get reimbursed!

USM now offers English classes at the Fulton campus.

If you’re interested, please let your manager know. USM is also considering offering computer classes. If you are interested, please let your manager know.

We also offer many other resources for our employees like 401K and FSA

An arrangement through USM that lets you pay for many out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars.

Thinking of buying a house or a car?

USM has partnered up with United Credit Union to help our employees get the best service and rates available.

USM Texts

Are you receiving them? If not, please get your phone number to your manager so it can be added or updated. You don’t want to miss important news and information, or if you are picked as one of the lucky weekly raffle winners.

Featured Employee

Natalio Ramirez

Natalio started with USM in October of 2016. He was hired to work at USMe as a sorter. He later transferred to Masters & Alloy where he trained to become a furnace operator. Natalio now is Masters’ lead person on the furnace. He enjoys sharing all the knowledge he has acquired while working at Masters while training our latest hires. He is an excellent worker who recently won USM’s $200 raffle.

Quote of the Month

“Your Talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”

— Lou Holtz

Joke of the Month

I’ve found a new genre of music. It’s a combination of heavy rock n’ roll, hip hop, and folk music.

I call it Scrap Metal.

Did You Know?

During World War II, scrap was very important. Recycled scrap metal was used to make bombs, ammunition, tanks, guns and battleships!

Have an idea?

Is there something you would like to see added to our newsletter?

Feel free to send us an email at: [email protected]

We can’t guarantee it will be added but we will certainly try!

 Re: Negocios Esenciales (Reciclaje, Fabricación Esencial, Servicios Esenciales)

30 de marzo de 2020

Estimado Empleado,

Como empleado de USM (Universal Scrap Metals) se nos permite continuar las operaciones bajo la orden de refugio en el lugar o de emergencia actualmente en vigor. USM es una empresa de reciclaje que recoge y procesa chatarra industrial de empresas de fabricación esenciales. USM también es un proveedor de materias primas esenciales para la fabricación. Estas actividades se enumeran como esenciales por orden del Estado de Illinois y por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional.

Ya hemos tomado las medidas para reducir nuestra dotación de personal a la propiedad empresarial, para llevar a cabo una operación segura, compatible y confiable. Su presencia física en el trabajo es necesaria para apoyar el funcionamiento de USM, que no se puede realizar de forma remota.

En sus viajes hacia y desde el trabajo pcontratode arrendamiento, mantenga esta carta con usted. En el caso de que se le detenga en su camino hacia / desde el trabajo, por las fuerzas del orden, Guardia Nacional, etc. mostrarles esta carta y explicar que usted es un empleado de una fuerza de trabajo esencial y se le debe permitir proceder. Si no se le permite continuar, regrese a casa y llame a su gerente.

Gracias por todo su arduo trabajo todos los días. Este es un acontecimiento sin precedentes en la historia de nuestro mundo. Debido a empleados como usted, USM está ayudando a marcar la diferencia al garantizar que las operaciones esenciales permanezcan abiertas.

Es reconocido y muy apreciado. ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces!

Karl Schweitzer

Gerente de Operaciones (312) 735‐6667

[email protected]

 Re: Essential Businesses (Recycling, Essential Manufacturing, Essential Services)

March 30, 2020

Dear Employee,

As an employee of USM (Universal Scrap Metals) we are permitted to continue operations under the shelter‐in‐place or emergency order currently in effect. USM is a recycling company that collects and processes industrial scrap metal from essential manufacturing companies. USM is also a provider of raw materials essential to manufacturing. These activities are listed as essential by State of Illinois order and by Department of Homeland Security.

We have already taken the steps to reduce our staffing to business critical only, to run a safe, compliant and reliable operation. Your physical presence at work is required to support USM’s operation, which cannot be accomplished remotely.

In your travels to and from work please keep this letter with you. In the event you are stopped on your way to/from work, by law enforcement, National Guard, etc. show them this letter and explain that you are an employee of an essential workforce and should be permitted to proceed. If you are not permitted to proceed please return home and call your Manager.

Thank you for all your hard work every day. This is an unprecedented event in our world’s history. Because of employees like you USM is helping to make a difference by ensuring that essential operations remain open.

It’s recognized and greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do!

Karl Schweitzer Operations Manager (312) 735‐6667

[email protected]

 COVID-19 Update

Dear USM Team,

We should all be proud of the commitment, dedication and caring that everyone at USM has shown during this time of COVID. It has been over 12 weeks since a USM employee has tested positive for COVID. It is only because of you and your commitment to following the policies set forth by the US Matters (us matters) Action Team we are in this position today.

Even though we have not seen COVID at USM we have been seeing a drastic increase of family members, especially teenagers, bringing it into USM employee’s homes. Please be aware that we are not alone in this and we must use best practices at work and at home.

We must be diligent – even though everything appears to be getting better this cannot be stressed enough – don’t drop your guard. We easily can risk everyone’s health and move backward. Guided by the US Matters Action Team USM will keep its ongoing commitment of ensuring everyone’s health and safety as the top priority with the following best practices,

  • Daily Health Checks for All Employees
  • Social Distance Policy
  • Facemasks Provided and Worn at all Times
  • Sterilization Crews Sanitizing During Work Hours
  • Sterilization of Personal Workspace Policy
  • Limited Contact Policy
  • Plexiglass Barriers Installed in Close Work Areas
  • Face Shields Provided
  • Enhanced Paid Sick Time Policy
  • No Visitor Policy
  • USM Driver No Contact Policy
  • Work at Home Policy
    The US Matters Team will continue to meet, listen to everyone for new ideas and come up with new ways to keep everyone safe.
    All of this only works if we work together as a team. A team that cares about each other. A team that helps each other follow current safety policies now and as things get better.
    The country is moving backwards – We at USM are leaders not followers. We must stay committed after leaving the USM Campus. We as a team must be sure to put everyone’s health first and not take the risk of bringing COVID back to USM.
    As a reminder, the greatest way to prevent getting sick or spreading illness is by all of us using best practices when it comes to personal hygiene.
  • Wear Face a Mask in any Public Area
  • Consistently wash or sanitize hands after touching surfaces
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Limit social interaction at work and at home
  • No nonessential travel
  • Stand 6ft away from others if you must interact
  • Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
  • Clean your area with sanitizing wipes multiple times a day
  • Take your Temperature Daily
  • Disinfect your cellular phone or other personal device multiple times a day
  • If you think you are sick let management know, go to the doctor and stay home
  • Say something and speak up if you see others not following these suggestions

The US Matters Action Team will continue to meet throughout the week. If you have any questions, comments or ideas that you think can help improve our health, safety & wellbeing please do not hesitate to speak with your manager or contact me directly.

Please know that USM continues to put everyone’s health & safety first, without you, USM is just a name. We together will get through this, We are USM.

Warm Regards,

Jason Zeid &

The US Matters Team